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I just want to date him FR like he can kill me & you can call me a Simp idc

Yeah same

and i was here like "OmG hE kIdNapP mE bUt He CuTe WaNnA Go On A DaTe"

I love the art style of this game! Super cute. I also got all the endings!

i thought this was gonna be a dating sim 😭

you got DDLC'd

WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO EMAIL ME MY EMAIL IS and btw your email didn’t work

I was ready to play until saw BLOOD AND TORTURE WTF. it looks so cute and innocent on the outside LMAO.

still going to play though.


great game with multiple endings. Keep up the great work!!
(1 edit)

Don't ever trust a stranger 

Neat game!

I loved this game! It was a cool horror game and I really liked the art style!

Pretty cool little game, Akano is very cute

This is a long shot but if your still active on this at all its Angel, I saw you were banned on scratch, Sorry if this is kind of weird, We miss you on scratch.. I can make an account for you and send you the details if you want me to.

Oh wow sorry I'm late to respond but as  a matter of fact I still check Scratch quite a bit even though I'm banned

Let's conspire to make an alt to evade a ban 

Why not

Angel I check this so often waiting for you could you please respond 

im so sorry i forgot about this but i can totally make you an alt. I'll send the details when you respond.

It happens I actually have an alt. You're gonna recieve a project and in the project is a very simple comment (the stickynote things.)


Don't talk to strangers, don't make new friends and maybe you're something more

This game is a helpful reminder not to trust strangers.

really like the games :)

Blood and torture is my favorite

This was quite a good game honestly, i really enjoyed my time with it, i won't say more because spoils cause its much better if you dont know what your getting into just yet, but keep up the good work :)

Also did a video on it as well

i havent played it yet but i have a feeling this game is going to go doki doki literature club mode.


11/10. Fully recommended! In the beginning, it's a short, and adorable Roleplaying game. Then, it turns to kill, etc. I love the transition from cute to horrifying. It is highly recommended.

The followed the Withdrawl ending according to the walkthrough, but it didn't work. Was it changed or is there a mistake?


i would not let that slide

*grabs knife*

I downloaded it and it was super fun i got all the endings too! But when i closed out of the game the music kept playing no matter what i tried to do it just kept on playing and it is still playing while I'm writing this so if anyone could help that would be great! 

(Sorry for bad English, If there is bad grammar)

I love this so much!!!!!!!!!111!1! It's very cute :) I play this when i feel lonely or depressed, So it will give me a bright mood again! Great job :) I somehow got the true ending (Which was hard to get at my first tries LOL xd) by just skipping (I don't know if i picked specific choices) And i got all 5 :) Really great thanks!!

have not played yet but iam going to also i am going 2 bet that she tries to kill you in the end 100% she will try to kill us wont she 

Artwork is beautiful, gameplay is great! Honestly one of my favourite visual novel horrors.

but why is akano kind of fine 


AAAAHHHHH I forgot I don't like blood and confrontation


(1 edit)

eu amei o jogo uma fofuraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,

mais pq a mao do akano ta enfaixada? Serio e isso e muito sus sera que e al-

sim mds scrr

(1 edit)

how to download on apple? lol

(3 edits)

I'm not sure anymore I think there's a character called "Alva" I saw it on the internet and wanted to ask if I can, is she akano's girlfriend?

if you get the true ending (unless you already have) you'll find out who she is

is this game coming to android?

Mobile plssss

I swear I could play this forever.

Very nice game , I really like it. 😁

I checked the script and it says the name ''Alva'' makes your affection go by 2 points. May I ask why tho? It's ok if you don't want to answer, I understand.

Deleted 242 days ago

this game is so addicting! can you please add more endings

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